Tuesday, January 19, 2010

I forgot something very important! You are all probably wondering what is going on with the tragedy that has occurred in my neighboring country Haiti. Dad confirmed this in his letter informing me that everyone is in fact wondering. Ok so some updates.
I did feel the earthquake, but it was very very subtle. We were teaching and then we both felt a little dizzy and sick as were sitting all of the sudden. Our investigators then asked us if we just felt the earthquake and it was then that we realized an earthquake had occurred and that we werent dizzy. An hour or so later when we continued our teaching into the night, we learned what had occurred. My heart just sunk. How devastating the news is! Over 100,000 dead and cities completely leveled. My heart weighed so much for this news, but they are in a much better place now as we all now. A much better place than being in Haiti right now.
Unfortunately we wont get the opportunity to do service over there, but there are a couple Elders in our mission that our helping with shuttling victims from the airport to the hospitals here in the capital. Two Haitian Elders have been doing this so that they can translate at the hospitals as well. It has been so neat to see the extreme efforts and unity of the people here in the DR. People are really stepping up to help these people. An interesting fact though: every missionary is accounted for and safe. Apparently even missionaries in houses during the quake were protected. Also not one chapel in Haiti fell. Pretty neat.
One more neat story. I have gotten to spend a little time with those Haitian Elders, one of which is Elder Merrilus who entered into the mission with me, because we live with the APs and office elders and they have been working with the Haitian elders in victim shuttling. So anyhow we were asking if they knew if their family and friends were ok, because both of them are from either Port au Principe or a neighboring town, to which they replied that they had no idea. All communication is down and about every Haitian we know is either traveling to Haiti to find their family, or is waiting to hear news some how. Anyhow we asked if they were sad or if it has been really hard to work while worrying about their families. They told us that they were at peace because whatever happens is the will of the Lord. That was truly an honest respones because both of them have been so positive and hard working despite the tragedy. What a great example they are of faith and trust in the Lord. I am so blessed to be able to serve with them.

Anyhow there is a little update for you. Keep Haiti in your prayers and help in any way you can! What a great opportunity we have to serve.
Mucho Amor, Elder Clayton

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