Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Mi Querido Familia!

Siempre yo tengo animo para lunes y la oportunidad que tengo a leer cartas y escribir cartas tambien. Just english today, Spanish takes a little longer to write and not everyone can understand it (not even sure if the spanish speakers can understand).
So a lot has gone down in the last couple days here in La Misión Santo Domingo Éste. So Elder Mckinnon and I were just finishing our nightly review and planning session for the night when we recieved a phone call from the asistentes del Presidente. They informed us that a special transfer would be occurring and we would be part of it. Elder Merrell, assistant, told me that I would be coming to the capital to be companions with a Dominican Elder Peña, and that an American Elder would be coming to take my place with Elder Mckinnon. After that phonecall we then got a phonecall from Presidente informing us of the same news and talking to us a little about our new companions and such. Oh and we will be sharing the new area with the Assistants. The area is called Villa Francisca and apparently we are the first Elders in a long time to serve in this area while not being in the office of an AP. Needless to say after those phonecalls, both of which came about 1030ish when we were heading to bed, caused our heads to spin. I had to be ready by 8am the next morning. I have to say I was pretty bummed to leave without saying goodbye to the members, area and investigators that I have grown to love so much, but Heavenly Father and Presidente needed me in a different area so I was ready for the change. Pretty crazy and sudden change. So long story short, I am now in the Capital with my Dominican companion and I am glad to say that im stoked to be here. So something that is kind of cool is that the presidential palace, or white house of the DR, is in our area. Pretty cool!! Also a TON of History. There are a bunch of old forts from Columbus in our area so needless to say, it is a pretty rad area. Very different here in the capital than in Los Mameyes, but I am loving it. A little about my comp. He is a very strong convert of about 2 years and an awesome guy. He was a Marine for eight years, Special Force Police, Head of Security for the Presidents kids, and also a Sargeant Major. Pretty accomplished military man and he wants to start doing some gnarly 30min workouts in the morning. haha He is 26 and happy to say that he is not an intense, straightfaced military guy; rather very happy, smiling, hard working guy. Anyway he is a great Elder and we are going to have a great transfer together. I happy to say that we can communicate fine and I am so stoked for my Spanish to improve dramatically over this next transfer.
So that about does it for news for this week! Pretty eventful week here in the mission. Oh and I gave my first talk in church on Sunday, I was way nervous, but I had lots of divine help and the ward and other Elders told me it was great. I hope I made some sense somewhere within my nervous rambling. haha Although what an incredible time the mission is. I am learning so much everyday and find myself just longing to learn more. This is a wonderful thing as well for sure. I have never had a thirst for knowledge like I have now.
Well it has been another great week and I would like to express to you all again how much I love and appreciate all of you! Thankyou so much for your prayers, love and support. I can honestly say that I can feel your love and support out here in the mssion. Awesome. Everyday my testimony of this Church and Gospel grows a little more. The spirit touches me constantly and testifies of the simple truths of this Gospel. I am reminded everyday of the truthfullness and simplicity of Heavenly Fathers plan of Eternal happiness that he has created for us. It just makes so much sense! I love my time I have here in the mission and love this Gospel. Love you all so much and have an awesome week. You are always in my prayers. The Church is true!

Mucho Amor, Elder Clayton

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